Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pivot Tree List labels and lazy loading

Here's how to lazy load a tree structure in pivot and supply nice(er) labels for all nodes. 1. Create a LabeledList that extends List
public class LabeledList extends ArrayList

private V label;

public LabeledList(V label)
    this.label = label;

public V getLabel()
    return label;

public boolean equals(Object o)
    return (o instanceof LabeledList && ((LabeledList) o).label.equals(label)
           && super.equals(o));

public int hashCode()
    int hash = 5;
    hash = 29 * hash + (this.label != null ? this.label.hashCode() : 0)
            + super.hashCode();
    return hash;
2. Create a simple renderer to display your new list
public class NodeTreeViewRenderer extends TreeViewNodeRenderer

 public void render(Object o, Path path, int i, TreeView tv, boolean bln,
         boolean bln1, NodeCheckState ncs, boolean bln2, boolean bln3)
     if (o != null && o instanceof LabeledList)
         super.render(((LabeledList) o).getLabel(), path, i, tv,
                 bln, bln1, ncs, bln2, bln3);
     } else
         super.render(o, path, i, tv, bln, bln1, ncs, bln2, bln3);
3. Put it together.
@WTKX TreeView myTree;
public void startup(Display display,
          Map map) throws Exception
      List rootList = new arrayList();
      rootList.add(new LabeledList(new Date()));
Now we have the problem of loading all the child nodes when the tree is expanded. This is handled by creating a TreeViewBranchListener and expanding LabeledList a little to track if it's been loaded or not. In LabeledList, add the following:
    private boolean loaded = false;

  public boolean isLoaded()
      return loaded;

  public void setLoaded(boolean loaded)
      this.loaded = loaded;
Now create the Listener
public class LazyLoadBranchListener implements TreeViewBranchListener
  public void branchExpanded(TreeView tv, Path path)

      List currList = tv.getTreeData();

      for (Integer i : path)
          currList = (List) currList.get(i);

      LabeledList lList = (LabeledList) currList;

     if (!lList.isLoaded())
          // load data for into lList. Add additional LabeledLists for directories or
          // straight objects for end nodes.
          // For long running loads, do the load in another thread

  public void branchCollapsed(TreeView tv, Path path)
In your application class, add the new listener
    myTree.getTreeViewBranchListeners().add(new LazyLoadBranchListener());